
Papers under review

  1. Lamoureux, D., Ramananarivo, S., Gosselin, F.P., Melancon, D. “Kirigami-inspired parachutes: Programming the reconfiguration of flexible disks under flow through cut patterns”, under review.
  2. Dollon, Q., Ghorbani, E., Gosselin, F.P. “Bayesian Input-State-Parameter Inference of Hydrodynamic Bearings: From Partial Displacement Measurements to Force Reconstruction”, under review. Preprint
  3. Abda, M., Piollet, E., Blake, C., Gosselin, F.P. “The Finite Element Neural Network Method: One Dimensional Study” under review. arXiv Preprint
  4. Rishmawi S., Moyne, L., Serroud, S., Rodriguez, S.,Chinesta, F., Tuysuz, O., Gosselin, F.P. “Parameter Identification of a Nonlinear Vertical Axis Rotating Machine through Reduced Order Modeling and Data Assimilation” under review.

Peer Reviewed Papers

  1. Silveira, S., Collet, L., Haque, S., Lapierre, L., Bagniewska-Zadworna, A., Smith, R., Gosselin, F.P., Routier-Kierzkowska, A.R., Kierzkowski, D., “Mechanical interactions between tissue layers underlie plant morphogenesis”, Accepted for publication in Nature Plants. Preprint
  2. Lamoureux, D., Ramananarivo, S., Melancon, D., Gosselin, F.P. “Simulating flow-induced reconfiguration by coupling corotational plate finite elements with a simplified pressure drag” Accepted for publication in Extreme Mechanics Letters arXiv Preprint. Github repository
  3. Berthet, L., Blais, P., Nennemann, B., Monette, C., Gosselin, F.P. “Mode Split Prediction for Rotating Disks with Flexible Stator CouplingJournal of Fluids and Structures, Volume 132, 2025, 104224, Open Access.
  4. Lamoureux, D., Audefroy, C., Tazi-Labzour, O., Houde, S., Gosselin, F.P. “Evaluating Flow-Added Damping on a Hydrofoil by Combining Vibro-Acoustics and Doublet-Lattice Panel AnalysesFlow, 2024, E24, Open Access, Code available on Github
  5. Rishmawi,S., Rodriguez, S., Chinesta, F., Gosselin, F.P. “Harmonic-Modal Hybrid Frequency Approach for Parameterized Non-linear DynamicsComputers & Structures, 2024, Volume 301, 107461. Preprint
  6. Ghorbani, E., Dollon, Q., Gosselin, F.P. “Physics-aware tuning of the unscented Kalman filter: inverse problem solving of nonlinear dynamical systems with missing dataNonlinear Dynamics, 2024. Preprint
  7. Sushitskii V., Miao H. Y., Lévesque M., Gosselin, F.P. “Segmentation of peen forming patterns using k-means clusteringJournal of Manufacturing Processes, 2024, Volume 119, Pages 867-877. engrXiv Preprint Open Access
  8. Sushitskii V., Dubois P.O., Miao H. Y., Lévesque M., Gosselin, F.P. “Simulation and automation of aluminium panel shot peen formingInternational Journal of Material Forming, 17, 25, 2024, engrXiv Preprint
  9. Boukor, M., Choimet, A., Laurendeau, E., Gosselin, F.P. “Flutter Limitation of Drag Reduction by Elastic ReconfigurationPhysics of Fluids, 2024, 36, 037103, arXiv Preprint.
  10. Villié, A., Vanzulli Pena, M., Pérez Zerpa, J.M., Vétel, J., Etienne, S., Gosselin F.P. “Modelling vortex-induced vibrations of branched structures by coupling a 3D-corotational frame finite element formulation with wake-oscillatorsJournal of Fluids and Structures, 2024, Volume 125, 104074, engrXiv Preprint
  11. Bidhendi A.J., Lampron O., Gosselin F.P., Geitmann A. “Microscale geometrical features in the plant leaf epidermis confer enhanced resistance to mechanical failureNature Communications, 2023, 14, 8275 bioRxiv Preprint
  12. Demenois M., Miao H.Y., Gosselin F.P., “Easy to Build, Modular and Large Scale Pipe Conveying Fluid Experimental SetupHardwareX, 2023, e00460, Open Access, Preprint
  13. Miao H.Y., Lévesque, M., Gosselin, F.P. “Eigenstrain-based analysis of why uniformly shot peened aluminium plates bend more in the rolling directionStrain, 2023, engrXiv Preprint
  14. Sushitskii V., van Rees, W.M., Lévesque M., Gosselin, F.P. “Determination of optimal shot peen forming patterns using the theory of non-Euclidean platesJournal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, MANU-21-1503, 2023, arXiv Preprint
  15. Selwanis M., Rosa Franzini G., Béguin C., Gosselin F.P. “How a ball free to orbit in a circular track mitigates the galloping of a square prismNonlinear Dynamics, 2022, Preprint
  16. Siguerdidjane W., Khameneifar F., Gosselin F.P. “Closed-loop shot peen forming with in-process measurement and optimizationCIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology, 2022, 38, pp 500-508. Preprint on Researchgate
  17. Raynaud G., Houde S., Gosselin F.P. “ModalPINN: an extension of Physics-Informed Neural Networks with enforced truncated Fourier decomposition for periodic flow reconstruction using a limited number of imperfect sensorsJournal of Computational Physics, 2022, 464, 111271, arXiv Preprint
  18. Siguerdidjane W., Khameneifar F., Gosselin F.P. “A low-cost open-source automated shot peen forming systemHardwareX, 2022, e00263. Open Access
  19. Selwanis M., Rosa Franzini G., Béguin C., Gosselin F.P. “Multiple balls rotating in a circular track experimentally mitigate the galloping of a square prismJournal of Sound and Vibration, 2022, 116744.
  20. Miao H.Y., Lévesque, M., Gosselin, F.P. “Shot peen forming pattern optimization to achieve cylindrical and saddle target shapes: the inverse problemCIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology, 2022, 36, pp67-77. engrXiv Preprint
  21. Bonnet, B., Tabiai, I., Rakovich G., Gosselin, F.P., Villemure, I. “Air leaks: stapling affects porcine lungs biomechanicsJournal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, 2022, 125, 104883. bioRxiv Preprint
    Additional data on Zenodo
  22. Faucheux P., Miao H.Y., Lévesque, M., Gosselin, F.P. “Peen forming and stress peen forming of rectangular 2024-T3 aluminum sheets: curvatures, natural curvatures, and residual stressesStrain, 2022, e12405. engrXiv Preprint
  23. Boudina, M., Gosselin, F.P., Étienne, S. “Vortex-induced vibrations: a soft coral feeding strategy?Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 2021, 916, A50. arXiv Preprint, Code available on Github
  24. Zou, S., Therriault, D., Gosselin, F.P. “Toughening elastomers via microstructured thermoplastic fibers with sacrificial bonds and hidden lengthsExtreme Mechanics Letters 2021, 43,101208. arXiv Preprint
  25. Selwanis, M., Rosa Franzini, G., Béguin, C., Gosselin, F.P. “Wind tunnel demonstration of galloping mitigation with a purely nonlinear energy sinkJournal of Fluids and Structures., 2021, 100, 103169   engrXiv Preprint
  26. Boudina, M., Gosselin, F.P., Étienne, S. “Direct interception or inertial impaction? A theoretical derivation of the efficiency power law for a simple and practical definition of capture modesPhysics of Fluids, 2020, 32, 123603 arXiv Preprint, Code available on Github
  27. Zou, S., Therriault, D., Gosselin, F.P. “Spider Web-Inspired Transparent Impact-Absorbing CompositeCell Reports Physical Science, 2020, 1, 11, 100240, OPEN ACCESS. Best of 2020 Cell Reports Physical Science
  28. Siguerdidjane, W., Khameneifar, F., Gosselin, F.P. “Efficient planning of peen-forming patterns via artificial neural networks“, Manufacturing Letters, 2020, 25, 70-74. arXiv Preprint
  29. Louyot, M., Nennemann, B., Monette, C., Gosselin, F.P. “Modal analysis of a spinning disk in a dense fluid as a model for high head hydraulic turbines” Journal of Fluids and Structures Volume 94, April 2020, 102965 arXiv Preprint
  30. Bidhendi, A. J., Altartouri, B., Gosselin, F.P., Geitmann, A. “Mechanical stress initiates and sustains the morphogenesis of wavy leaf epidermal cellsCell Reports, 2019, 28(5), 1237-1250, OPEN ACCESSBioRxiv Preprint
  31. Gosselin F.P., “Mechanics of a Plant in Fluid Flow” Journal of Experimental Botany, Volume 70, Issue 14, 1 July 2019, Pages 3533–3548. arXiv Preprint
  32. Zou, S., Therriault, D., Gosselin, F.P. “Failure mechanisms of coiling fibers with sacrificial bonds made by instability-assisted fused deposition modelingSoft Matter, 2018, 14 (48), 9777-9785
  33. Wu, Q., Zou, S., Gosselin, F.P.,  Therriault, D., Heuzey, M.C. “3D printing of a self-healing nanocomposite for stretchable sensorsJournal of Materials Chemistry C, 2018, 6 (45), 12180-12186
  34. Bodkhe, S., Noonan, C., Gosselin, F.P., Therriault, D. “Coextrusion of Multifunctional Smart Sensors” Advanced Engineering Materials,  2018, 1800206.
  35. Bodkhe, S., Rajesh, P.S.M., Gosselin, F.P., Therriault, D. “Simultaneous 3D printing and poling of PVDF and its nanocompositesACS Applied Energy Materials, 1 (6), pp 2474–2482.
  36. Faucheux, P. Gosselin, F.P., Lévesque, M. “Simulating shot peen forming with eigenstrains” Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 2018, 254, 135-144, Preprint
  37. Cossin, M., Gosselin, F.P., Ross, A. “Repeatability of force signals in aerial circus straps” Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part P: Journal of Sports Engineering and Technology, 2018, 232: 3, pages: 225-235Preprint
  38. Bodkhe, S., Turcot, G., Gosselin, F.P., Therriault, D. “One-step solvent-evaporation-assisted 3D printing of piezoelectric PVDF nanocomposite structures”  ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2017, 9 (24), pp 20833–20842 Preprint
  39. Hassani, M., Molgat-Laurin, S., Mureithi, N., Gosselin, F.P. “Bending and torsional reconfiguration of chiral rods under wind and gravityExtreme Mechanics Letters, 2017, 13, Pages 91–99 Preprint
  40. Cossin, M., Gosselin, F.P., Ross, A. “Making single point aerial circus disciplines safer”  Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part P: Journal of Sports Engineering and Technology, 2017, 231:4, pages: 362-373 Preprint
  41. Gauthier, J.P., Giroux, A.M., Etienne, S., Gosselin, F.P. “A numerical method for the determination of flow-induced damping in hydroelectric turbinesJournal of Fluids and Structures, 2017, 69:341-354.Preprint
  42. Hassani, M., Mureithi, N., Gosselin, F.P. “Large Coupled Bending and Torsional Deformation of an Elastic Rod Subjected to Fluid FlowJournal of Fluids and Structures, 2016, 62:367–383. Preprint
  43. Boulle, A., Dubé, M., Gosselin, F.P. “Parametric study of an elliptical fuselage made of a sandwich composite structureMechanical Research Communications, 2015, 69:129–135. Preprint
  44. Passieux, R., Guthrie, L., Hosseini Rad, S., Lévesque, M., Therriault, D., Gosselin, F.P. “Instability-Assisted Direct Writing of Micro-Structured Fibers featuring Sacrificial Bonds” Advanced Materials, doi:10.1002/adma.201500603 Preprint – Cover Page
  45. Lalande, V., Gosselin, F.P., Vonthron, M., Conan, B., Tremblay, C., Soulez, G., Beaudoin, G., Martel, S. “In vivo demonstration of magnetic guidewire steerability in a MRI system with additional gradient coils”, Medical Physics, 2015, 42, Pages 969-976.
  46. Gosselin, F.P., Neetzow, P., Paak, M.  “Buckling of a beam extruded into highly viscous fluid”, Physical Review E, 2014, 90(5):052718. arXiv Preprint
  47. Gosselin, F.P., Païdoussis, M.P. “Dynamical Stability Analysis of a Hose to the Sky”, Journal of Fluids and Structures, 2014, 44, Pages 226–234. Preprint
  48. Guo, S.-Z., Gosselin, F., Guérin, N., Lanouette, A.-M., Heuzey, M.-C. & Therriault, D. 2013. “Solvent-Cast Three-Dimensional Printing of Multifunctional Microsystems”, Small, 2013, 9(24):4090.
  49. F.P. Gosselin, V. Lalande, S. Martel “Characterization of the Deflections of a Catheter Steered Using a Magnetic Resonance Imaging System” Medical Physics, 2011, 38(9):4994-5002. Preprint
  50. F.P. Gosselin, E. de Langre “Drag Reduction of a Poroelastic System by Non-Linear Deformations” Journal of Fluids and Structures, 2011, 27(7):1111-1123. PDF preprint
  51. S. Dupont, F. Gosselin, C. Py, E. de Langre, P.Hemon, Y. Brunet “Modelling waving crops using Large-Eddy Simulation: comparison with experiments and linear stability analysis” Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 2010, 652, 5-44.
  52. F. Gosselin, E. de Langre, B.A. Machado-Almeida “Drag reduction of flexible plates by reconfiguration” Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 2010, 650:319-341. Cover Page, Source code available on Github
  53. F. Gosselin & E. de Langre “Destabilising Effects of Plant Flexibility in Air and Aquatic Vegetation Canopy Flows” European Journal of Mechanics B/Fluids, 2009, 28, 271-282.
  54. F. Gosselin & M. P. Païdoussis “Blocking in the Rotating Axial Flow in a Co-Rotating Flexible Shell” ASME Journal of Applied Mechanics, 2009, 76, 011001 (6 pages).
  55. F. Gosselin, M. P. Païdoussis & A. K. Misra “Stability of a deploying/extruding beam in dense fluid” Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2007, 299, 123-142.

My PhD thesis (in french)
F. Gosselin “Mécanismes d’interactions fluide-structure entre écoulements et végétation” École Polytechnique, Palaiseau, France, 2009.

PhD and MSc theses of students I supervised/co-supervised over the years:,_Frederick.html