Papers under review
- Lamoureux, D., Ramananarivo, S., Gosselin, F.P., Melancon, D. “Kirigami-inspired parachutes: Programming the reconfiguration of flexible disks under flow through cut patterns”, under review.
- Dollon, Q., Ghorbani, E., Gosselin, F.P. “Bayesian Input-State-Parameter Inference of Hydrodynamic Bearings: From Partial Displacement Measurements to Force Reconstruction”, under review. Preprint
- Abda, M., Piollet, E., Blake, C., Gosselin, F.P. “The Finite Element Neural Network Method: One Dimensional Study” under review. arXiv Preprint
- Rishmawi S., Moyne, L., Serroud, S., Rodriguez, S.,Chinesta, F., Tuysuz, O., Gosselin, F.P. “Parameter Identification of a Nonlinear Vertical Axis Rotating Machine through Reduced Order Modeling and Data Assimilation” under review.
Peer Reviewed Papers
- Silveira, S., Collet, L., Haque, S., Lapierre, L., Bagniewska-Zadworna, A., Smith, R., Gosselin, F.P., Routier-Kierzkowska, A.R., Kierzkowski, D., “Mechanical interactions between tissue layers underlie plant morphogenesis”, Accepted for publication in Nature Plants. Preprint
- Lamoureux, D., Ramananarivo, S., Melancon, D., Gosselin, F.P. “Simulating flow-induced reconfiguration by coupling corotational plate finite elements with a simplified pressure drag” Accepted for publication in Extreme Mechanics Letters arXiv Preprint. Github repository https://github.com/lm2-poly/FIRM
- Berthet, L., Blais, P., Nennemann, B., Monette, C., Gosselin, F.P. “Mode Split Prediction for Rotating Disks with Flexible Stator Coupling” Journal of Fluids and Structures, Volume 132, 2025, 104224, Open Access.
- Lamoureux, D., Audefroy, C., Tazi-Labzour, O., Houde, S., Gosselin, F.P. “Evaluating Flow-Added Damping on a Hydrofoil by Combining Vibro-Acoustics and Doublet-Lattice Panel Analyses” Flow, 2024, E24, Open Access, Code available on Github https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.13787528.
- Rishmawi,S., Rodriguez, S., Chinesta, F., Gosselin, F.P. “Harmonic-Modal Hybrid Frequency Approach for Parameterized Non-linear Dynamics” Computers & Structures, 2024, Volume 301, 107461. Preprint
- Ghorbani, E., Dollon, Q., Gosselin, F.P. “Physics-aware tuning of the unscented Kalman filter: inverse problem solving of nonlinear dynamical systems with missing data” Nonlinear Dynamics, 2024. Preprint
- Sushitskii V., Miao H. Y., Lévesque M., Gosselin, F.P. “Segmentation of peen forming patterns using k-means clustering” Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 2024, Volume 119, Pages 867-877. engrXiv Preprint Open Access
- Sushitskii V., Dubois P.O., Miao H. Y., Lévesque M., Gosselin, F.P. “Simulation and automation of aluminium panel shot peen forming” International Journal of Material Forming, 17, 25, 2024, engrXiv Preprint
- Boukor, M., Choimet, A., Laurendeau, E., Gosselin, F.P. “Flutter Limitation of Drag Reduction by Elastic Reconfiguration” Physics of Fluids, 2024, 36, 037103, arXiv Preprint.
- Villié, A., Vanzulli Pena, M., Pérez Zerpa, J.M., Vétel, J., Etienne, S., Gosselin F.P. “Modelling vortex-induced vibrations of branched structures by coupling a 3D-corotational frame finite element formulation with wake-oscillators” Journal of Fluids and Structures, 2024, Volume 125, 104074, engrXiv Preprint
- Bidhendi A.J., Lampron O., Gosselin F.P., Geitmann A. “Microscale geometrical features in the plant leaf epidermis confer enhanced resistance to mechanical failure” Nature Communications, 2023, 14, 8275 bioRxiv Preprint
- Demenois M., Miao H.Y., Gosselin F.P., “Easy to Build, Modular and Large Scale Pipe Conveying Fluid Experimental Setup” HardwareX, 2023, e00460, Open Access, Preprint
- Miao H.Y., Lévesque, M., Gosselin, F.P. “Eigenstrain-based analysis of why uniformly shot peened aluminium plates bend more in the rolling direction” Strain, 2023, engrXiv Preprint
- Sushitskii V., van Rees, W.M., Lévesque M., Gosselin, F.P. “Determination of optimal shot peen forming patterns using the theory of non-Euclidean plates” Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, MANU-21-1503, 2023, arXiv Preprint
- Selwanis M., Rosa Franzini G., Béguin C., Gosselin F.P. “How a ball free to orbit in a circular track mitigates the galloping of a square prism” Nonlinear Dynamics, 2022, Preprint
- Siguerdidjane W., Khameneifar F., Gosselin F.P. “Closed-loop shot peen forming with in-process measurement and optimization” CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology, 2022, 38, pp 500-508. Preprint on Researchgate
- Raynaud G., Houde S., Gosselin F.P. “ModalPINN: an extension of Physics-Informed Neural Networks with enforced truncated Fourier decomposition for periodic flow reconstruction using a limited number of imperfect sensors” Journal of Computational Physics, 2022, 464, 111271, arXiv Preprint
- Siguerdidjane W., Khameneifar F., Gosselin F.P. “A low-cost open-source automated shot peen forming system” HardwareX, 2022, e00263. Open Access
- Selwanis M., Rosa Franzini G., Béguin C., Gosselin F.P. “Multiple balls rotating in a circular track experimentally mitigate the galloping of a square prism” Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2022, 116744.
- Miao H.Y., Lévesque, M., Gosselin, F.P. “Shot peen forming pattern optimization to achieve cylindrical and saddle target shapes: the inverse problem” CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology, 2022, 36, pp67-77. engrXiv Preprint
- Bonnet, B., Tabiai, I., Rakovich G., Gosselin, F.P., Villemure, I. “Air leaks: stapling affects porcine lungs biomechanics” Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, 2022, 125, 104883. bioRxiv Preprint
Additional data on Zenodo - Faucheux P., Miao H.Y., Lévesque, M., Gosselin, F.P. “Peen forming and stress peen forming of rectangular 2024-T3 aluminum sheets: curvatures, natural curvatures, and residual stresses” Strain, 2022, e12405. engrXiv Preprint
- Boudina, M., Gosselin, F.P., Étienne, S. “Vortex-induced vibrations: a soft coral feeding strategy?” Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 2021, 916, A50. arXiv Preprint, Code available on Github
- Zou, S., Therriault, D., Gosselin, F.P. “Toughening elastomers via microstructured thermoplastic fibers with sacrificial bonds and hidden lengths” Extreme Mechanics Letters 2021, 43,101208. arXiv Preprint
- Selwanis, M., Rosa Franzini, G., Béguin, C., Gosselin, F.P. “Wind tunnel demonstration of galloping mitigation with a purely nonlinear energy sink” Journal of Fluids and Structures., 2021, 100, 103169 engrXiv Preprint
- Boudina, M., Gosselin, F.P., Étienne, S. “Direct interception or inertial impaction? A theoretical derivation of the efficiency power law for a simple and practical definition of capture modes” Physics of Fluids, 2020, 32, 123603 arXiv Preprint, Code available on Github
- Zou, S., Therriault, D., Gosselin, F.P. “Spider Web-Inspired Transparent Impact-Absorbing Composite” Cell Reports Physical Science, 2020, 1, 11, 100240, OPEN ACCESS. Best of 2020 Cell Reports Physical Science
- Siguerdidjane, W., Khameneifar, F., Gosselin, F.P. “Efficient planning of peen-forming patterns via artificial neural networks“, Manufacturing Letters, 2020, 25, 70-74. arXiv Preprint
- Louyot, M., Nennemann, B., Monette, C., Gosselin, F.P. “Modal analysis of a spinning disk in a dense fluid as a model for high head hydraulic turbines” Journal of Fluids and Structures Volume 94, April 2020, 102965 arXiv Preprint
- Bidhendi, A. J., Altartouri, B., Gosselin, F.P., Geitmann, A. “Mechanical stress initiates and sustains the morphogenesis of wavy leaf epidermal cells” Cell Reports, 2019, 28(5), 1237-1250, OPEN ACCESS. BioRxiv Preprint
- Gosselin F.P., “Mechanics of a Plant in Fluid Flow” Journal of Experimental Botany, Volume 70, Issue 14, 1 July 2019, Pages 3533–3548. arXiv Preprint
- Zou, S., Therriault, D., Gosselin, F.P. “Failure mechanisms of coiling fibers with sacrificial bonds made by instability-assisted fused deposition modeling” Soft Matter, 2018, 14 (48), 9777-9785
- Wu, Q., Zou, S., Gosselin, F.P., Therriault, D., Heuzey, M.C. “3D printing of a self-healing nanocomposite for stretchable sensors” Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2018, 6 (45), 12180-12186
- Bodkhe, S., Noonan, C., Gosselin, F.P., Therriault, D. “Coextrusion of Multifunctional Smart Sensors” Advanced Engineering Materials, 2018, 1800206.
- Bodkhe, S., Rajesh, P.S.M., Gosselin, F.P., Therriault, D. “Simultaneous 3D printing and poling of PVDF and its nanocomposites” ACS Applied Energy Materials, 1 (6), pp 2474–2482.
- Faucheux, P. Gosselin, F.P., Lévesque, M. “Simulating shot peen forming with eigenstrains” Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 2018, 254, 135-144, Preprint
- Cossin, M., Gosselin, F.P., Ross, A. “Repeatability of force signals in aerial circus straps” Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part P: Journal of Sports Engineering and Technology, 2018, 232: 3, pages: 225-235, Preprint
- Bodkhe, S., Turcot, G., Gosselin, F.P., Therriault, D. “One-step solvent-evaporation-assisted 3D printing of piezoelectric PVDF nanocomposite structures” ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2017, 9 (24), pp 20833–20842 Preprint
- Hassani, M., Molgat-Laurin, S., Mureithi, N., Gosselin, F.P. “Bending and torsional reconfiguration of chiral rods under wind and gravity” Extreme Mechanics Letters, 2017, 13, Pages 91–99 Preprint
- Cossin, M., Gosselin, F.P., Ross, A. “Making single point aerial circus disciplines safer” Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part P: Journal of Sports Engineering and Technology, 2017, 231:4, pages: 362-373 Preprint
- Gauthier, J.P., Giroux, A.M., Etienne, S., Gosselin, F.P. “A numerical method for the determination of flow-induced damping in hydroelectric turbines” Journal of Fluids and Structures, 2017, 69:341-354.Preprint
- Hassani, M., Mureithi, N., Gosselin, F.P. “Large Coupled Bending and Torsional Deformation of an Elastic Rod Subjected to Fluid Flow” Journal of Fluids and Structures, 2016, 62:367–383. Preprint
- Boulle, A., Dubé, M., Gosselin, F.P. “Parametric study of an elliptical fuselage made of a sandwich composite structure” Mechanical Research Communications, 2015, 69:129–135. Preprint
- Passieux, R., Guthrie, L., Hosseini Rad, S., Lévesque, M., Therriault, D., Gosselin, F.P. “Instability-Assisted Direct Writing of Micro-Structured Fibers featuring Sacrificial Bonds” Advanced Materials, doi:10.1002/adma.201500603 Preprint – Cover Page
- Lalande, V., Gosselin, F.P., Vonthron, M., Conan, B., Tremblay, C., Soulez, G., Beaudoin, G., Martel, S. “In vivo demonstration of magnetic guidewire steerability in a MRI system with additional gradient coils”, Medical Physics, 2015, 42, Pages 969-976.
- Gosselin, F.P., Neetzow, P., Paak, M. “Buckling of a beam extruded into highly viscous fluid”, Physical Review E, 2014, 90(5):052718. arXiv Preprint
- Gosselin, F.P., Païdoussis, M.P. “Dynamical Stability Analysis of a Hose to the Sky”, Journal of Fluids and Structures, 2014, 44, Pages 226–234. Preprint
- Guo, S.-Z., Gosselin, F., Guérin, N., Lanouette, A.-M., Heuzey, M.-C. & Therriault, D. 2013. “Solvent-Cast Three-Dimensional Printing of Multifunctional Microsystems”, Small, 2013, 9(24):4090.
- F.P. Gosselin, V. Lalande, S. Martel “Characterization of the Deflections of a Catheter Steered Using a Magnetic Resonance Imaging System” Medical Physics, 2011, 38(9):4994-5002. Preprint
- F.P. Gosselin, E. de Langre “Drag Reduction of a Poroelastic System by Non-Linear Deformations” Journal of Fluids and Structures, 2011, 27(7):1111-1123. PDF preprint
- S. Dupont, F. Gosselin, C. Py, E. de Langre, P.Hemon, Y. Brunet “Modelling waving crops using Large-Eddy Simulation: comparison with experiments and linear stability analysis” Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 2010, 652, 5-44.
- F. Gosselin, E. de Langre, B.A. Machado-Almeida “Drag reduction of flexible plates by reconfiguration” Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 2010, 650:319-341. Cover Page, Source code available on Github
- F. Gosselin & E. de Langre “Destabilising Effects of Plant Flexibility in Air and Aquatic Vegetation Canopy Flows” European Journal of Mechanics B/Fluids, 2009, 28, 271-282.
- F. Gosselin & M. P. Païdoussis “Blocking in the Rotating Axial Flow in a Co-Rotating Flexible Shell” ASME Journal of Applied Mechanics, 2009, 76, 011001 (6 pages).
- F. Gosselin, M. P. Païdoussis & A. K. Misra “Stability of a deploying/extruding beam in dense fluid” Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2007, 299, 123-142.
My PhD thesis (in french)
F. Gosselin “Mécanismes d’interactions fluide-structure entre écoulements et végétation” École Polytechnique, Palaiseau, France, 2009.
PhD and MSc theses of students I supervised/co-supervised over the years: